Bad Beat Jackpot
In all walks of life there have to be winners and losers and this is especially true when you are sat around a poker table or playing online poker. The thought of all the money in the pot going to one player can be infuriating but it is the nature of the game and if you want to win, you run the risk of losing.
The PokerKings website understands that there have to be winners and losers but they have introduced a promotion which helps to make the losers feel like winners. The introduction of their Bad Beat Jackpot is a great way to turn a narrow defeat into something a lot easier to take.
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If you have been struck by a bad beat, you know how awful a feeling it is. You are so convinced of victory that you can almost feel the money and then something goes wrong and your unbeatable hand gets defeated. PokerKings define a bad beat as having Four of a Kind Sixes or better. For the benefit of this promotion, you also have to be playing on one of the indicated Bad Beat Jackpot tables.
The site takes 50 cents out of the pot from every raked player on these designated tables, so the more players or the higher you play, the larger the pay out will be.
70% of the collection is up for grabs with half of this money going to the player that had the bad beat hand. The winner gets a quarter share of the money up for grabs and the remainder is shared around the remaining players.
This amount of money is not going to take the edge off losing with such a good hand but it does at least provide some form of reward for a close thing. With so many different casino sites to choose from, innovative promotions like this are a great way for companies to stand out.
If a player knows that they can pick up money even when they lose, they are far more likely to choose that site over others. PokerKings have no doubt did their financial sums and expect the added income from new players to offset this style of loss but for grabbing publicity, giving something back to players is always a winner. And if you are on the Bad Beat Jackpot table, being a loser can also mean you a winner!